The Chris Kappler Clinic will be held May 2-4 at the Evergreen Equestrian Park in Monroe, WA.
There will be three height sections offered, with approximately 5 horses and rider combinations per section: 1) Equitation 1.0-1.10, 2) Jumper 1.15-1.20, and 3) Jumper 1.25+. The clinic will be restricted to Jumper and Equitation participants. Each session will run approximately 2 hours, with a final schedule to be published at a later date. Auditing is free and open to all. There will be opportunities to volunteer.
All WSHJA members in good standing, including professionals, will be eligible to apply by submitting an application by Feb 28. Horse, rider, and their affiliated trainer must be active WSHJA members prior to application submission to be considered.
Our objective is to have diverse clinic representation across WSHJA membership and barns. Participant and section assignments will be assigned by lottery, subject to final review by the planning committee. If the first section preference for selected participants is not available, we will make best effort to offer their second preference. We will notify section assignment via email, and request confirmation of the section and the horse/and rider participating. If lottery assignments are declined or unclaimed, we will offer the spot to another interested party. We will maintain a waitlist should selected preference not be available or in the case of unexpected openings/changes.
WSHJA will sponsor the cost of the CLINIC FEE ONLY.*
*Participants are responsible for any other associated costs, including but not limited to transportation, feed, day care, etc.