2022 WSHJA Scholarship Recipients: Haley Foster, Anna Kotler, Nicole Stern and, Samantha Collingsworth
A limited number of competition scholarships (up to a maximum total of $10,000 annually) are available to qualifying WSHJA Regular Members in order to provide assistance for those competing in National Finals events (see list below).
National Finals event scholarships are awarded to riders who have competed in out-of-state finals only. Riders competing in a second final can qualify for a greater award, but the 2nd final must be in a state different than the 1st final. Awards are S750 for the 1st final and $1000 for the 2nd final. Awards are generally paid at the Annual Awards Banquet in January.
Applicant must show in at least one USEF rated shows in Washington State before leaving to attend out-of-state finals.
Applicant must be a current Washington Slate resident and WSHJA member in good standing.
Applicant intending to apply for funding is required to volunteer a minimum of ten (10) hours for WSHJA during the show year.
Should applicant compete in more than one Final at the same competition, the applicant may only apply for one Final at the competition.
Applicant submits in writing to the WSHJA Member Services Chair their request to receive funding prior to the day of the final or NO LATER THAN December 1st.
Applicant to include a list of their volunteer activities and hours.
Applicant sends proof of competition in the final or show that every attempt was made to show in the final class they qualified.
Application Deadline: Prior to the Day of the Final or no later than Friday, December 1, 2024.
The following National Finals qualify for finals scholarships:
Pessoa USEF Hunter Seat Medal Final
USEF Pony Equitation Medal Final
USEF Adult Amateur Zone 8,9,10 Regional Medal Final
USEF Junior Zone 8,9,10 Regional Medal Final
USET Talent Search
ASPCA/Maclay Final
Ariat Adult Medal Final
Taylor Harris Insurance Services National Children’s Medal Final
Washington International Junior Equitation Final
Washington International Pony Equitation Final
USEF National Junior Jumper Championship
USEF Pony Jumper Final
National Horseshow Children’s Jumper Championship
National Horseshow Adult Amateur Jumper Championship
USHJA Child/Adult Regional Jumper Championship
North American Young Rider Championship
USEF Pony Hunter Finals
USEF Junior Hunter National Championship – East and West
WCHR Finals
USEF Junior Hunter National Championships – East and West
USHJA Child/Adult Regional Hunter Championships
Washington State resident Members in good standing, who qualify and participate in the USHJA Emerging Athlete Program will receive funding as follows: $500 for Regional Training Level I and $750 for National Training Level participation.
Applicant must submit, in writing, to the Secretary of the WSHJA, their request to receive funding prior to December 30. These funds are separate from the Finals allocation and will be disbursed from the General Fund with a limit of $4000.00. Scholarship is paid to applicant after applicant has shown proof of participation in each Training Session.
The applicant intending to apply for funding volunteer a minimum of ten (10) hours for WSHJA during the show year.
Educational scholarships shall be awarded to attend clinics, seminars, or classes related to improving performance or increasing education in equine care, maintenance, or training for participation in the hunter/jumper community. They will be awarded in the amount of $750.00 to one junior and one amateur each year.
Applicants must be resident of Washington State and member in good standing of WSHJA. Applicants are not eligible for an educational scholarship if they have received funding from the Washington State Finals Scholarships or the Emerging Athletes Program Scholarships. Applicant must complete a minimum of five (5) volunteer hours with WSHJA during the show year in order to be eligible. The applicant must submit, in writing, their request for an Educational Scholarship to the Secretary of WSHJA NO LATER THAN December 1st, 2024. Applicant will include a list of his or her volunteer activities and hours.
At the Annual Meeting the Educational Scholarship recipients names WILL BE SELECTED BY A RANDOM DRAWING from among qualified applicants, one for a junior and one for an amateur. An alternate name will be drawn in each category in the event scholarship winner is unable or chooses not to participate. The Executive Board and/or an Executive Board officer must approve the educational opportunity selected and will arrange payment and/or reimbursement. The board may adjust scholarship amount if the financial status of the Association warrants.