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Here are some of the questions most frequently asked by prospective members. Don’t see an answer here to one of your questions?  Drop us a note.


WSHJA membership provides many fun and confidence-building experiences for juniors.



What are the benefits of being a member?

  • The opportunity to participate in the WSHJA Annual Awards Program at either a National or State level, earning points that accrue towards year-end championships. This includes an invitation to the Annual Awards Banquet.

  • Exclusive invitations to educational events, including judges’ clinics, trainer symposiums, and a range of lectures by locally and nationally renowned experts in a range of equestrian fields.

  • Access to a community of horse-loving individuals who share your interest and passion for the hunter jumper sport.


Regular members also receive:

  • Access to WSHJA Scholarships to financially aid in attending Regional and National out-of-state Equitation, Hunter, and Jumper Finals.

  • Voting privileges at general membership meetings.


For more details, see our general membership page.



Who are WSHJA’s members?

WSHJA members are from all age groups and all riding levels. Some compete and some don’t. Anyone who participates in the hunter jumper sport in any capacity; a rider, a trainer, a horse owner or even a supportive parent is encouraged to become a member.


I am just starting out in the sport. I don’t have a horse of my own, should I still be a member?

Absolutely! Whether you are just learning to ride or are in a lesson program, membership gets you plugged in to the hunter jumper community. You can participate in a variety of educational events, and you’ll be kept informed of local news and shows. And maybe best of all you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know other members who share your interest in the sport.


I am not planning on competing in horse shows this year, should I plan on being a member?

WSHJA is not just for people who show. In fact, WSHJA has a lot to offer the non-showing member. If you are still riding, just love being around horses and horse people, or maybe your child is the one competing; in all instances, you can still get a lot of benefit out of membership. You’ll stay involved in the hunter jumper community. You can participate in a variety of educational events. You’ll be kept informed of local hunter jumper news and events. And if you’re a parent of a child who is showing, you’ll be kept informed of important information regarding the show scene and their standings in the National or State Awards Program.


My child rides and competes in shows, is there any benefit for me to be a member?

If your child is a member then he/she will receive all the benefits of membership. However, your support of the sport through your own membership helps WSHJA ensure the best possible experience for your child, in and out of the show ring. It also gives you a voice in the direction of the sport in the state, which ultimately leads to a flourishing equestrian culture in the Pacific Northwest. Something everyone benefits from.



What type of membership should I sign up for?

Washington State residents join as a Regular Member. Regular Membership entitles you to register your horse in either the State or National Awards program and receive full membership, voting and scholarship privileges within the association.


WSHJA also offers an out-of-state Associate Membership designed for non-residents. Associate Membership entitles you to register your horse in either the State or National Awards program and receive most of the membership benefits. Associate Members do not receive voting and scholarship privileges within the association.


I am leasing a horse. Does that change the kind of membership I need or how I record the horse?

If you lease a horse, WSHJA considers you for all intents and purposes the “owner” of the horse for the lease period with your WSHJA membership entitling you to record the horse in either the WSHJA National or State Awards Program. WSHJA only needs to know if the horse is leased versus owned by you in order to help with accurately awarding points earned at horse shows.


My horse is owned by a family member. Do they need to be a WSHJA member for me to record the horse?

No. Your WSHJA membership qualifies you to record a horse(s) owned by an immediate family member.


What is the Lifetime Farm Membership?

If you are entering multiple horses in a show under a farm’s, stable’s or business name then WSHJA asks that you pay a one-time fee of $10 to record the farm, stable or business as a Lifetime Farm Member. This is a formality in order to comply with WSHJA’s non-profit status. Lifetime Farm Memberships are simply recordings and do not include any of the benefits of Regular or Associate Memberships.


What is a Single Show Membership?

WSHJA is a non-profit member organization. As such the shows it presents are primarily for the benefit of its members. A Single Show Membership enables you to enter yourself and your horses at a single WSHJA show. It includes no other WSHJA membership benefits and no points are awarded or recorded.

The single show membership fee is $5 per show.


Do I need to be a USEF and/or USHJA member to be a WSHJA member?

No, although if you compete, we strongly encourage you to have a membership in the USEF  and the USHJA. Please note that membership in either of these organizations is independent of your membership in WSHJA.



What are the National and State points programs?

Members who are competing in horse shows should sign up for one of the Awards programs WSHJA offers. WSHJA offers both a National and State point program in order to provide year-end award recognition to all of its diverse membership.

  • The National Program tabulates points towards recognized year-end awards at all USEF Nationwide and/or Equine Canada Regular Member shows.

  • The State Program counts points accrued at USEF Regular and USEF Local member shows in the State of Washington only. Complete lists of the National Program and the State Program High Score Awards are located in the WSHJA bylaws.


Which Awards Points program should I elect?

In order to decide which points program is best you, ask yourself where you will do most of your showing during the season:

  • If you plan on competing out-of-state, you should sign up for the National Program. The National Program will count points from shows both in and out of Washington, including Canada. The horse must compete in at least two USEF Washington State horse shows to be eligible for year-end hunter or jumper awards. For equitation awards, the rider must compete in at least two USEF shows in Washington to be eligible for year-end awards.

  • If you plan on competing primarily within Washington, then sign up for the State Program. Keep in mind that any points earned outside the state of Washington will not count towards a year-end award under the WSHJA State Program.


©  2025 Washington State Hunter & Jumper Association.  All rights reserved.

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